Selection of TV, social and OOH commercials. Clients: Ford of Italy, Ford of Europe and DR

Life is out there. Are you? - Ford Ecosport launch campaign

The Jackal + Ford EcoSport = a 12m views web series. We teamed up with the most provocative youtubers in Italy and aired pieces of content along the entire duration of the campaign: 8 web videos, dozens of posts and stories and even a mold of the Italian football golden-boy: Lorenzo Insigne. Every piece of content aying ‘Life is out there. Are you?’, all of them saying that in a different funny way.
Winning of "Best use of YouTube" at ADCI awards 2018.


EVO Rottamazione - TV Commercial

TV Commercial for EVO automotive.
- Director: Stefano Pedretti
- Copywriting: Roberto Ruoli
- Production: Dinamo Produzione


Less is All - One day social media campaign

One-day social campaign for the social responsability Ford message "Don’t sleep and drive.” Six videos based on the creativity concept: "A few seconds are enough to lose everything."
9 millions views just in 24 hours with a reach of 4.3 million.


Ford Service - Animated social video

Starting from the radio commercial realized for Ford Service, we created, in collaboration with the artist Donato Sansone, a social video to promote one of Ford Italia’s after-sale services.


Ford Service Black Market - Special Adv Campaign for Ford Service

What happens if you buy a non-original part for your car on the black market, just to save a bit? You will end up paying for more. To prove it, Ford creates its first black market. And all those who try to buy one of the spare parts will find themselves in front of a bot that will put them in front of a bitter discovery.

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